MxEclipse v0.8.3.1 (2007-08-17) - What's New
MxEclipse contains only two fixes:
- Fix: Eclipse 3.3 related fix
- Update JPO was not working for a remote server due to a dot inserted in the beginning of the filename
MxEclipse v0.8.3 (2007-08-16) - What's New
- Added "Create New Admin Object" dialog:

Submitting a type and name would create a new admin object, and select it in the MxBusiness view, so that a user
can edit it.
- Added "Delete Admin Object" button
- this button will open a confirmation dialog first:
- Person:
- Basic tab: User types added (application/full/business/system/inactive/trusted)
- Role and Group tabs for their defintion for a particular user

- Program
- Basic tab
- Code tab including "java style" checkbox
JPO Handling
- Fix: when connection is to a remote server, completely new procedures for import/update of jpos. Work also with packages in JPO names.

- Added a separate tab in the preferences dealing with jpo handling
- Update program on a remote server warning
- Configurable import jpos into project - folders (program, java, others)
- Default JPO editor style (in jpo code tab): java like/macros like