MxEclipse v0.9 (2007-11-25) - What's New


  • Combobox for ranged attributes
  • Datetime popup dialog for date attributes
  • Editability for basic information, including:
    • Combo boxes for types, policies and states
    • Content of these boxes is dynamic (all possible policies for specific type, all states for selected policy)
  • Server/username is visible at all times in the status bar
  • Promote, demote & revise buttons in the toolbar/popup menu
    • will ask for confirmation first
    • multiple selection available - multiple promotions/demotions at a time
  • Search dialog - major changes
    • Replace/append radio buttons
    • Description, Policy, State searchable fields
    • Standard search includes dynamic attribute search capabilities
    • Find like search option - will show all attributes of selected type
    • Will remember previous search criterias - a drop down menu just behind the search button
  • Fix: if two objects were having the same name, but different types, and they are connected, relationship direction was not detected correctly


  • Person:

    1. Access & Admin rights tab
  • Role, Group (view/edit):

    1. Parents tab
    2. Children tab
    3. Persons tab - link will select a person underneath a role/group in the tree
  • Association:

    1. Basic tab
  • Policy:

    1. Expand will show states and types governed by the policy
    2. States tab - editable name/add/insert/remove + link that will expand the policy showing state details
  • Policy states (available through expand on policy or link in the policy->states tab):

    1. Basic tab
    2. User access rights tab (editable rights on states including filters)
    3. Triggers tab - same behavior as other trigger tabs (object/relationship/attribute)
  • Fix: Types were not showing hidden attributes (in the expanded tree, but also in the attributes table)
  • Fix: Toolbar icon images were not visible if a user didn't have Matrix installed locally
  • Fix: Attribute expand - show also all relationships containing the attribute
  • Fix: Triggers were not updating properly (add/remove was working, but update didn't)


  • Clear Cache Button - available in the preferences dialog
  • Triggers-on/off & search limit moved to MxObject sub dialog in the preferences